‘I walked out of that studio a totally different person.’ Rankin And Alison Lapper’s ‘No Body’s Perfect’

This documentary of the international portrait photographer, Rankin teamed up with Alison Lapper to help people who struggle with their image. Together they explore the how digital photography, social media and the ‘selfie’ culture has affected peoples sense of identity. Being a member of this new technological generation i am therefore able to relate to the expectations put out through social media. I was particularly intrigued about how the two artists questioned societies beauty norms and put this to test by photographing four people who struggle with self image.


“You see these four people talk about themselves and be very honest and brave about themselves, to the point where you’re really proud of them because they had some serious problems.”

The person that interested me the most was Damian (photographed above). H lost his leg due to cancer. When Rankin photographer him with crutches, he looked vulnerable and not in control. This the only way he saw himself, weak and reliant on his wife. After the crutches were taken away his image completely changed. He might of not felt proud but he most certainly looked it! His posture became straight and upright, his leg which he usually covered up was highlighted against the white backdrop.

What changed the most was how Damian felt when he saw himself. He saw himself as a new person, someone who was strong and brave. I found this incredibly moving. From a photographer that is known for photographing models, it was such a boost to see him capture all areas of beauty from these four individuals.

“If this documentary changes just one person’s opinion about disability, or even how they feel about their own bodies, then that’s the most important thing.”-Lapper

For Lapper, who was born without arms and has been spat at for looking different, ‘No Body’s Perfect’ is about reminding people why it’s important to be kind and respectful to others – regardless of how they look.

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